We are looking for companies concerned with international trade and/or wholesale trade. The students are required to gain knowledge and experience by working in the warehouse, learning about the exporting procedures involved, general administration and the organisation of the company.

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The students are required to do the work assigned to them by the company and to work on the assignments from school.

For the company this means that they will do what they can to introduce the students to the various departments and to assign relevant tasks (obviously within their ability). Furthermore the company must promise to guide the student and to offer opportunities to reflect on the business together with the student.

At the end of the period the student’s supervisor will be asked to assess the work placement period and to grade the student.

During the work placement period one of the tutors will visit the company.



Work placement assignments GNVQ Students (3F)

About the company:

Third year students in the current programme must find a company dealing with Logistics (transport) or international Wholesale.

The students will bring a task book consisting of several assignments.

Some assignments have to be carried out at the work placement company entirely, for other assignments the students will have to collect material and information to finish the assignment at school.

If a certain task cannot be carried out at the work placement company it is the students responsibility to find another company where the information can be obtained. This can take place outside the work placement period.

The assignments are based on the performance criteria listed below. These criteria are taken from the national curriculum for vocational education and have to be covered during work placement. However, some of the criteria seem a little far-fetched considering that they are designed for inexperienced workers. It is hard to expect a trainee to independently draw up procedures for activities in your company. In these cases you will find that the assignments in the task book will approach the criteria in a more realistic way.

For the student the work placement should be a period in which he/she can experience as many aspects of an international trading company as possible. This is our priority. But the assignments help us in offering a theoretical framework to the student. It may help you in finding appropriate tasks for the trainee over the whole range of activities in your company.


Performance criteria

3.4 Evaluate the use of Information Technology  



One assignment


3.4.1 Explain and justify the reason for using information technology
3.4.2 Compare the methods used by the student and by others for preparing, processing and presenting information
3.4.3 Evaluate alternative systems for managing information
3.4.4 Describe the software facilities used to meet the requirements of the tasks
3.4.5 Explain the effects on users of problems that can occur when using information technology
3.4.6 Explain the importance of working safely and in line with good working practices
408 vei005 Safety , Quality, Environment and Working Conditions (KMA)  

One assignment


1.0 Student can determine which safety procedures are necessary
2.0 can draw up action plan for Quality management
3.0 can draw up action plan for environmental care
4.0 can draw up action plan for working conditions
411 map003 Pricing  
  student knows procedures to file claims with suppliers
408 der002 Stock control  

assignment stock management and loss


7.0 Student can draw up a plan to control loss of stock
24.0 can draw up house rules
6.0 voo003 student can draw up procedures for stock control
413 Distribution
  goe001Flow of goods
14.0 gvm002can carry out administrative procedures pertaining to the flow of goods
1.0 can determine procedures for the reception of goods
2.0 can determine procedures for the storage of goods
3.0 can determine conditions for storage
5.0 can determine conditions for routing
6.0 can carry out administrative procedures for order documentation
12.0 Student knows how to organise maintenance
13.0 can organise cleaning activities
15.0 knows how to purchase equipment and other materials
16.0 knows how to negotiate with suppliers of equipment and materials
413 Physical distribution optional


19.0 has knowledge of action to take for stagnation in routing and flow of goods
20.0 can organise an inventory of stock
21.0 has knowledge of different order and acquisition systems
7.0 can determine procedures for internal dispatch
8.0 can inform customers about changes in delivery
9.0 can control procedures for on-time delivery of goods
11.0 can determine the layout of the warehouse
318 emp002 Export marketing plan  
1.0 Student knows how to perform a SWOT analysis on export
2.0 is capable of setting up an export marketing plan
401 wer002 Human Resource Management  
7.0 Student is capable of preparing an induction programme
10.0 Student is capable of preparing an training plan
11.0 Student is capable of preparing a presentation plan
408 hum004 General Management
12.0 students have knowledge of promotion criteria  
13.0 students can describe training procedures
14.0 can draw up a training plan






About the company:

Second year students in the current programme should preferably find a company dealing with Logistics (transport) or international Wholesale. If school approves of another choice this will mean that assignments that cannot be carried out in that company will have to be covered in the next year. A student can always propose an alternative way of carrying out the assignment, but the IBS team will have the final word in this.

The students will bring a task book consisting of several assignments.

Some assignments have to be carried out at the work placement company entirely, for other assignments the students will have to collect material and information to finish the assignment at school.

The assignments are based on the performance criteria listed below. These criteria are taken from the national curriculum for vocational education and have to be covered during work placement. However, some of the criteria seem a little far-fetched considering that they are designed for inexperienced workers. It is hard to expect a trainee to independently draw up procedures for activities in your company. In these cases you will find that the assignments in the task book will approach the criteria in a more realistic way.

For the student the work placement should be a period in which he/she can experience as many aspects of an international trading company as possible. This is our priority. But the assignments help us in offering a theoretical framework to the student. It may help you in finding appropriate tasks for the trainee over the whole range of activities in your company.


Performance criteria

  23.3 international trading IH 2nd or third year
20 Student understands how foreign markets can be approached
16 knows reasons why companies export products
  4.2 Human Resources Mandatory



  The student investigates job roles and changing working conditions
408 hum004 General Management
12.0 students have knowledge of promotion criteria
13.0 students can describe training procedures
14.0 can draw up a training plan
  2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Business Organisation Mandatory
  Investigate administration systems
  Analyse communication in a business organisation
  Analyse information processing in a business organisation
401 wer002 Human Resource Management 2nd or third year
7.0 Student is capable of preparing an induction programme
10.0 Student is capable of preparing an training plan
11.0 Student is capable of preparing a presentation plan
  Unit 6.3 and 6.4 Financial Forecasting, Costing & Pricing mandatory


  Calculate the cost of goods or services
  Explain basis pricing decisions and break-even
410 Knows the factors involved in setting the sales price
  Knows method for setting the sales price
411 map003 Pricing  
  student knows procedures to file claims with suppliers
  3.3 Marketing mandatory


  Evaluate marketing communications designed to influence a target audience
318 emp002 Export marketing plan 2nd or third year
1.0 Student knows how to perform a SWOT analysis on export
2.0 is capable of setting up an export marketing plan
408 der002 Stock control Wholesale 2nd or third year
7.0 Student can draw up a plan to control loss of stock
6.0 can draw up procedures for stock control
24.0 can draw up house rules